Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 535

Robert Moor

, was born at Holyard in Hampshire, educated in Wykehams School, admitted perpetual Fellow of New coll. 1589, took the degrees in Arts, and at length, was numbred among the best of Preachers in that house. In 1597 he left the coll. being then beneficed at Westmean in his own Country, was afterwards made Prebendary of Winchester, and in the year 1614. took the degrees in Divinity. His younger years were adorned with variety of learning, and his elder with solid and substantial Divinity: which last made him as much respected in his native country towards his latter end, as he was before in the University for this book following, of his writing and publication when he was a young man.

Diarium Historico-poeticum. In quo praeter constellationum utriusque Hemisphaerii, & Zodaici, ortus & occasus, numerum Stellarum, causarumque ad Poesin Spectantium, varietatem, declaratur cujusque mensis dies fere singuli, Regum, Imperatorum, Principum, Pontificum, virorumque doctorum, natalibus, nuptiis, inaugurationibus, morte denique aut ralia quacunque insigniores, celebriores, sic ut nihil, &c. Lib. 12. Oxon. 1595. qu. What other things he hath published I know not as yet, nor any thing else of him, only that he died on the 20. of Febr. in sixteen hundred thirty and nine, (having had, for some years before,1639-40. divers contests with Neile his Diocesan for his introducing certain ceremonies into the Cath. at Winchester) and was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Westmean before mention’d. Over his grave was soon after a Monument put, with six verses thereon: the two first of which run thus.

Ortus stirpe bonâ, titulo Doctoris adauctus

Oxonii, conjux bis, deciesque pater.