Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 392

Francis More

, Son of Edw. More Gent. by Elizab. his Wife, Daughter and Heir of one Hall of Tileherst in Berks, received his first breath at East Hildesley or Ildesley near to Wantage in the said County, where his name yet continues, educated in Grammar learning at Reading, entred a Commoner in S. Johns coll. 1574. or thereabouts, continued there till near Bachelaurs standing, and then he retired to the Middle Temple; where, after severe encounters had with the crabbed parts of the municipal Laws, he became a Barrester and noted for his great proficiency in his profession and integrity in his dealings. In the latter end of Qu. Elizab. and beginning of K. James he was several times elected a Burgess in set in Parliaments, in which he was a frequent Speaker. Afterwards he was Counsellor and under-steward for several years to this University, the members of which confer’d upon him the degree of Master of Arts in 1612. Two years after he was made Serjeant at Law, and in 1616. March 17. received the honour of Knighthood at Theobalds from his Majesty K. James 1. After his death some of his works were published, which bear these titles.

Cases collected and reported. Lond. 1663. fol. printed from the original in French, that then remained in the hands of Sir Jeff. Palmer Attorny General to K. Ch. 2. which is the same, as I take it, written fairly with the authors own hand in fol. that was lately in the Library of Arth. E. of Anglecy. These cases were abridged by Will. Hughes EsqLond. 1665. oct.

His learned reading 4. Jac. 1. in Middle Temple hall concerning charitable uses, abridged by himself. Lond. 1676. fol. published by George Duke of the Inner Temple Esq. Our author F. More was a member of that Parliament, as it seems, wherein the Statute concerning charitable uses was made, and was, as ’tis farther added, the Penner thereof. At length paying his last debt to nature on the 20. Nov. in sixteen hundred twenty and one, aged 63. was buried in a Vault under the Church of Great Fawley near to Wantage before-mention’d, 1621 in which Vault his posterity (who are Baronets living in that Parish) have been since, and are hitherto interred, as I have been instructed by his Grandson Sir Hen. More Bt. I find another Franc. More to have published certain matters, among which is The sinners guide, or the regiment of a Christian life. Printed 1614. qu. and certain Sermons, but whether this person who was a Divine, was of Oxford University I know not as yet.