Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 576

William More

, had part of his education among the Oxonians, but more in another University, was afterwards Vicar of Walden in Essex, and Suffragan Bishop of Colchester. In 1537. he was made Prebendary of Gevendale in the Church of York, but resigned it the year after, and on 14. Sept. 1539. he was installed Archdeacon of Leycester in the room of Edm. Bonner promoted to the See of Hereford. He died in the Summer-time in fifteen hundred and forty, 1540 and was succeeded in his Archdeaconry in the beginning of March following by Tho. Robertson. One Will. More was Lord Prior of Worcester, which honourable place he resigned in 1535. but was not the same with him who was Bishop.