Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 67

John Morwen

or Morenus as he writes himself, was a Devonian born, admitted Scholar of Corp. Chr. Coll. 23. Feb. 1535. and afterwards Fellow, and Master of Arts. About which time entring into holy Orders, he became noted soon after for his profoundness in Divinity, and his great knowledge in the Greek tongue, being in the latter end of King Hen. 8. Reader thereof in his College, and a private instructer of John Jewell, though afterwards a hater of his Opinions. In 1551, he was admitted Bach. of Divin. and about the same time studied Physick, as having no good wishes for reformation, which tended to the ruin, (as he thought) of the Church. He is stiled by a learned (*)(*) Laur. Humph. in Vita Joh. Juelli, p. 25. Author, not of his opinion, to be homo Graecè doctus, sed idem Graecorum more leviculus & bibaculus, &c. Afterwards he was patronized in his studies by Will. Roper Esq; whose Daughter, by Margaret his Wife, (Daughter of Sir Thomas More) he instructed in the Latin and Greek tongues. He hath written several things, but whether extant, I know not. Among them are,
Epistolae ad D. Will. Roperum.
Epitaphia diversa.
Opuscula Graece & Latinè. Written with his own hand, and said ( ()() Rob. Hegge in Cat. Schol. & Soc. Coll. C. C. Ox. MS. to be (tho I cannot yet in all my searches find them) in the Bodleian Library. He also translated into English several of the Greek and Latin Orations, made by the said Daughter of Will. Roper, as by his Epistles in appears.Clar. 1551. What became of this Joh. Morwen when Qu. Elizabeth came to the Crown (if he lived to that time) I cannot tell, unless he was received into the Family of the said Roper a great lover of learning, and a reliever and comforter of distressed Catholicks.