Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 200

Thomas Moufet

or Muffet was born in London, in or near St. Leonards Shoreditch, as I conceive, because his name and relations lived in that Parish, and one John Muffet died there in 1596. After he had been educated in Grammar learning in that City, he spent some time in this University, afterwards travelled into divers Countries in Europe, where he became known to the most eminent Men, especially Physicians and Chymists of that time, and was doctorated in Physick in some noted University in his travels. After his return, he fell into very great practice within the City of his nativity, became much honoured and beloved by Peregrine Bertie Lord Willoughby of Eresbie, and esteemed the famous ornament of the body of Physicians, and the true pattern of all polite and solid Literature. He hath written,

De jure & praestantia Chemicorum Medicamentorum dialogus Apologeticus. Francof 1584. Ursell. 1602. oct. and in the first volume of Theatrum Chemicum, Argent. 1623. oct. pag. 70.

Epistolae quinque Medicinales. Most of which wer [] written to one whom the Author calls Philalethes a German Chymist. They were printed with the former book in that impression of 1602, and I think elsewhere.

Nosomantica Hippocratea; sive Hippocratis prognostica cuncta, ex omnibus ipsius scriptis methodicè digesta, &c. Franc. 1588. oct. in 9 books. He also, by his great labour and charge, did enlarge, and finish, Insectorum sive minimorum Animalum Theatrum; olim ab Edw. Wottono, Conrado Gesnaro, Thoma Pennio inchoatum. Which Book the Author leaving behind him in MS. at his Death, it came some years after into the hands of Sir Theod. de Mayern, Knight, who published it in Fol. at Lond, 1634. with an Epistle Dedicatory before, and Preface to, it: But before that time some imperfect Copies of it were published by Laur Scholzius, an. 1598, &c. This Book was published in the English Tongue at Lond. 1658. Fol. by J. R. M. D. Dr. Moufet hath written also,

Healths improvement; or, Rules comprising and discovering the nature, method, and manner of preparing all sorts of Food used in this Nation.—This was corrected and enlarged by Christoph. Bennet—Lond. 1655. 4to. Whatelse our Author Moufet hath written, I know not, nor any thing more of him, only that in his latter days he lived much at Bulbridge, near Wilton in Wilts. as a retainer to the Pombrochian Family; from which he had an yearly Pension allowed to him to his last day, mostly by the favour of that incomparable Lady, Mary Countess of Pembroke. He concluded his last day towards the latter end of Q. Elizabeth, Clar. 1590. and was, as I have been credibly informed by one or more ancient Men that belonged to the said Family, buried at Wilton. Contemporary with him was Joh. Securis an eminent Physician of Sarum, whom I have mentioned before.