Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 19

Thomas Nightingale

, who writes himself Philomelus, was born in London, and educated, if I mistake not, under Will. Lilye, before he taught in Pauls School, by whose endeavors he became excellent for the Latin Tongue and Poetry. Afterwards being sent to this University, he made proficiency in Logicals, Philosophicals, and the Civil Law. Which last being the faculty he was noted for, was admitted Bachelaur thereof in January 1515. Hence, he retired to his Native place, where for his wit and innocent mirth he was held in admiration by his contemporaries, especially for the things he published, as
De obitu Johannis Colet Carmen.
In mortem Gulielmi Lilii Elegiae. Claruit 1524. With other matters of the like nature, which I have not yet seen. He was in great esteem among Men, in the sixteenth Year of King Hen. 8. but when he died, I know not.