Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 573
Richard Nikke
, or Nix, a Somersetshire man born, as it seems, but in what house in Oxon (where he had spent some years in study) he was educated, it appears not. In the beginning of the year 1473. he, by the name of Rich. Nikke Clerk, was collated to the Church of Ashbury in the Dioc. of Sarum, and in Sept. 1489. he, by the title of Doctor of the Laws became Rector of Chedsey in Somesetshire, being then Preb. of Yotton in the Church of Wells. In 1492. he was constituted Vicar General to Rich. Fox Bishop of B. and Wells, and in Jul. 1494. he was made Archdeacon of Wells, with the Prebend, of Huish annexed, on the resignation of Will. Nikke LL. D. In 1496. he was made Canon of Winasore, and about the same time Registrary of the most Noble Order of the Garter. Afterwards he had one or more benefices confer’d on him in the Diocess of Wells and in that of Durham, (besides the Archdeaconry of Exeter,) and at length on the death of Dr. Tho. Jane being elected to the Episcopal See of Norwich, had restitution made (‖)(‖) Pat. 16. Hen. 7. p.1 m.1 to him of the temporalities belonging thereunto by the name of Rich. Nikke Clerk, Dean of the Kings Chappel, on the 24. of Apr. 1501. where sitting about 35 years, died blind in fifteen hundred thirty and six. 1536 He was buried between two pillars on the south side of the body of the Cath. Ch. of Norwych, next to those two pillars, between which Miles Spencer Dr. of Law and Chanc. of Norwych was buried. Over the said Nikkes grave was a low Tomb erected, whereon were the Arms of the See of Norwych impaling a Chevron between 3 Leopards heads, being the same that are on the roof of the north cross Isle. Which roof is supposed to have been either repaired or built by him, as also part of, if not all, the said Isle. In the See of Norwych succeeded one Will. Rugg alias Repps a Doctor of Div. of Cambridge, and Abbat of the Monastery of S. Benedict in Hulmo, (Son of Will. Rugg of North-Repps in Nofolk,) who resigning the said Bishoprick in January 1549. died 21. of Sept. 1550. and was buried in the middle of the Choire of the Cath. Ch. at Norwych. As for Will. Nikke before-mentioned, he was, as I conceive, brother to the Bishop, aed being Preb. of Ilton in the Church of Wells, became Archd. of Wells on the resignation of Tho. Bridlington in the month of Apr. 1473.