Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 567

John Oldham

son of Joh. Oldham a Nonconformist Minister, and he the son of Joh. Oldham sometimes Rector of Nun-eaton near Tetbury in Glocestersh. was born at Shipton (of which his Father was then Minister) near the said Town of Tetbury and in the same County, on the ninth day of Aug. 1653, bred in Grammar learning under his Father till he was nigh fit for the University, afterwards sent to the School at Tetbury, where he spent about two years under the tuition of Henry Heaven, occasion’d by the desire of one Yeat an Alderman of Bristow, who had a Son then there under the said Master, whom Oldham accompanied purposely to advance him in his learning. This occasion’d his longer stay at School, than else he needed, but conduced much to his after advantage. In the beginning of June 1670 he became a Batler of S. Edmunds Hall under the tuition of Will. Stephens Bach. of Div, where he was observed to be a good Latinist, and chiefly to addict himself to Poetry, and other studies tending that way, to which the bent of his Genius led him more naturally than to any other. Four years after he took the degree of Bach. of Arts, but went away and did not compleat it by Determination. So that living for some time after with his Father, much against his humour and inclinations, got to be Usher of Croyden Free-school in Surrey, where he continued for about three years: In which time he became acquainted with John Earl of Rochester, who seemed much delighted in the mad, ranting and debauched specimens of Poetry of this author Oldham. Afterwards he was Tutor to the Grandsons of Sir Edw. Thurland (a late Judge) living in Surrey, with whom he continued till 1681, and then being out of all business and employ, he retired to the great City, set up for a Wit, and soon after became Tutor to a Son of Sir Will. Hicks near London: where, at his leisure hours, by the advice and encouragement of Dr. Rich. Lower, he applyed himself to the study of Physick. At length being made known to that most generous and truly noble William Earl of Kingston, he was taken into his patronage, lived with him in great respect at Holme-Pierpont in Nottinghamshire, where he made his last exit, as I shall tell you anon. This noted Poet hath written,

Satyrs upon the Jesuits, (in number four) with a prologue written in the year 1679 upon occasion of the plot, (Popish Plot) together with the Satyr against vertue, and some other pieces by the same hand. Lond. 1681. 82. oct. The first Satyr is called Garnets Ghost, &c. which was printed against the authors consent—Lond. 1679 in one sh. in fol. The Satyr against vertue was committed to the privacy of two or three friends, from whose hands it stole out in print, against the authors knowledge—Lond. 1679. qu.

Some new pieces never before published, viz. (1) Horace his art of poetry imitated in English. (2) Paraphrase upon Horace: Book 1. Ode 31. and Book 2. Ode 14. (3) The praise of Homer, an Ode. (4) Two pastorals out of Greek, Bion. One in imitation of the Greek of Moschius, bewailing the death of the Earl of Rochester, the other in lamentation of Adonis, imitated out of the Greek of Byon of Smyrna, (5) Paraphrase upon the 137 Psalme. (6) Paraph. on the Hymne of S. Ambrose, ode. (7) A letter from the Country to a friend in Town, giving an account of the authors inclinations to Poetry, in vers. (8) Upon a Printer that exposed him by printing a piece of his, grosly mangled and faulty.—All these were printed in, one Vol. in oct. at Lond. 1681. He wrot also a Satyr in Pindarique verse supposed to be spoken by a Court-Hector: inserted in the Poems of John Earl of Rochester, printed 1680. p. 115: Which is the same with his Satyr against Vertue before mention’d.

Poems and Translations. Lond. 1683. oct.

Remains, in verse and prose. Lond. 1684. oct. Which Remains consist of (1) Counterpart to the Satyr against Vertue, in person of the author. (2) Virg. Eclogue 8, the enchantment. (3) Verses to Madam L. E. upon her recovery from a late sickness. (4) El. on the death of Mrs. Catherine Kingscourt a child of excellent parts and piety. (5) A Sunday thought in sickness. (6) To the memory of his dear friend Mr. Charles Morwent: a large Pindarique. (7) To the memory of the worthy Gent. Mr. Harman Atwood: Pindarique. (8) Character of a certain ugly old Parson. This last is the worst and most offensive of all the rest. These Remains are usher’d into the world by the commendatory Poems of Joh. Dryden Esq. Thom. Flatman, Naham Tate, Tho. Durfey, Tho. Andrews, and Tho. Wood of New Coll. There is also an Anonym. with an Eclogue, and another with an Epitaph on the Author. As for Charles Morwent, on whom the large Pindarique before mention’d was made, which makes about the third part of the Remaines, was born at Tetbury in Glocestershire, his father being an Attorney there, bred up in Grammar learning under Mr. Th. Byrton M. A. of Linc. Coll, at Wotton under Edg in the said County, became a Commoner of S. Edm. Hall in 1670, and Bach. of Arts four years after. Soon after he retired to Glocester, fell sick of the Small Pox, died of it, and was inter’d in the Cathedral there, where there is a monument over his grave. He was a handsome, gentile and good natur’d man, and very well beloved in the said Hall. Our Author Oldham made also a little Poem, to which Musick was set by a Doctor of that faculty, bearing this title, A second Musical Entertainment on Cecilia’s day, 22 Nov. 1684. The words by the late ingenious Mr. Joh. Oldham &c. set to Musick in two, three, four, and five parts. Lond. 1685. qu. By Dr. Joh. Blow Master of the Children, and Organist to his Majesties Chappel Royal. To conclude: this most celebrated Poet died in the house of his munificent Patron at Holme Pierpont before mentioned in sixteen hundred eighty and three,1683. and was buried in the Church there. Soon after was a monument put over his grave, with this inscription thereon. M. S. Jo. Oldhami Poetae, quo nemo sacro furore plenior, nemo rebus sublimior, aut verbis felicius audax; cujus famam omni aevo propria satis consecrabunt carmina. Quem inter primos Honoratissimi Gulielmi Comitis de Kingston Patroni sui amplexus Variolis correptum, heu nimis immatura mors rapuit, & in caelestem transtulit chorum. Natus apud Shipton in agro Glocestrensi, in. Aula S. Edmunti Graduatus. Obiit die Decembris nono, An. Dom. 1683. Aetatis 30