Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 555
David ap Owen
, a Welsh man, sometimes a Student in the Civ. and Can. Law in Oxon, afterwards Abbat of Stratmarkell and of Conway in his own Country, was consecrated Bishop (*)(*) Fr. Godwyn in Com. de prasul. Angl. edit. 1616. p. 662. of S. Asaph in the year 1503. and dying on the 11. or 12. of Febr. in fifteen hundred and twelve, 1512 was buried in the Cathedral Ch. of S. Asaph, near the high Altar on the south side. There is a monument of a Bishop near to the Throne in the said Chancel, which, as the tradition goes there, was put for the said Dav. ap Owen.