Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 548
Richard Owen
son of Cadwallader Owen sometimes Fellow of Oriel Coll, afterwards Minister of Llanvechen in Mountgomeryshire, was born in that County, entred into the said Coll. an. 1620, aged 15 years, or thereabouts, and made Fellow thereof in 1627, he being then Bach. of Arts. Afterwards he proceeded in that faculty, took holy Orders, and in 1635 he was presented by the University of Oxon to the Vicaridge of Eltham in Kent, by vertue of an Act of Parliament began at Westm. 5 Nov. 3 Jac. disinabling Recusants to present to Livings. In 1638 he resigned his Fellowship, and the same year took the degree of Bach. of Divinity, being about that time also Rector of S. Swithins London Stow. In the beginning of the Civil Wars he adhered to his Majesty, and was thereupon thrown out of his Livings, that of S. Swithins being lost in 1643 or thereabouts, and suffered much, for about 17 years time, for the royal Cause. After the return of K. Ch. 2. he was restored to what he had lost, became Minister of S. Mary Cray in Kent, was actually created Doctor of Div. of this University, and in high esteem for his holy life and conversation, for his orthodoxness in judgment, conformity to the true, antient Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, and in the former revolutions for his Loyalty to his sacred Majesty. He hath written and publ.
Sermon at S. Maries in Oxon, on S. Lukes day 1637, on 2 Cor. 8.18.—I have seen this in manuscript, which for its rarity went from hand to hand, but whether ever made publick I know not.
Paulus Multiformis. Concio ad clerum Londinensem, in 1 Cor. cap. 9. ver. 22.—Lond. 1666. qu. He hath also translated into English all, or most of the Satyrs of Juvenal, which I have not yet seen, and hath written something of Controversie. He died about the latter end of January in sixteen hundred eighty and two,1682/3. and was buried in the chancel of the Church at Eltham before mention’d, having had some Dignity in the Church in those parts.