Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 51
Ephraim Pagit
or Paget, son of Euseb. Pag. mentioned before under the year 1617. p. 357. was born ((a))((a)) Reg. Matric. P. pag. 29. of a gentile family in Northamptonshire, matriculated as a member of Ch. Ch. 25 of May 1593 aged 18, but whether he took a degree, it appears not. Afterwards, thro some petit imployments, he became Parson of the Church of S. Edmund in Lombardstreet within the City of London, where he continued many years. He hath written,
Christianographia: or, a description of the multitudes and sundry sorts of Christians in the world, not subject to the Pope, &c. Lond. 1635. 36. 40. &c. qu.
Treatise of the Religion of the antient Christians in Britany.—pr. with some editions of the former book.
Heresiographia: or, a description of the heresies of later times. Lond. 1645. and 48. 4th. edit. in qu. He hath also a serm. extant called The mystical Wolf, on Math. 7. ver. 15. Lond. 1645. qu. and other things, as ’tis probable, but such I have not yet seen. Upon the breaking out of the civil War, he was so molested and troubled, that meerly for quietness sake he was forced to leave his Benefice in his old age, being then commonly called Old Father Ephraim. So that retiring to Deptford in Kent, spent there the short remainder of his days in great devotion and retiredness, At length surrendring up his pious soul to God in the beginning of the year (in Apr. as it seems) sixteen hundred forty and seven, was buried according to his will in Deptford Churchyard.1647. One of both his names (his Uncle I think) translated into English, Sermons upon Ruth, Lond. 1586. in oct. written originally by Lod. Lavater, but whether the said Ephraim Paget was educated in Oxon, I cannot justly say, tho two or more of his sirname and time, occur in our Registers.