Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 45
Henry Parker
Son of Sir Will. Parker Knight, (living sometimes at Halingbery morley in the Diocess of London) by Alice his Wife Daugh. of Will. Lovell Esq by Alienour his Wife Daugh. and Heir of Rob. Lord Morley, was with several other Nobles of his time, educated in most kinds of Literature in this University. Afterwards retireing to his Estate in Northamptonshire, became so much in favour with K. Hen. 8. that he had (n)(n) Baronage of England, Tom. 3. p. 307. a. summons to Parliament in the 21. Year of that King’s Reign, by the title of Lord Morley, and in the 22. of the said Reign, Dom. 1530. being one of the Peers at that time sitting in Parliament, subscribed that Declaration then sent to P. Clement 7. whereby intimation was given to his Holiness, that unless he would comply with K. Henry, in the cause of his divorce from Qu. Catherine, the farther acknowledgement of his Supremacy in this Realm would be in danger; and in the 25. of the said King was judgment given on his behalf for taking place before the Lord Dcres of Gilsland. His younger Years were adorned with all kind of superficial Learning, especially with Drammatick Poetry, and his elder with that which was divine, and therefore worthily characterized (o)(o) Baleus ut supra p. 106. post cent. 12. to be vir liter is clarus, ac genere nobilitate conspicus. His writings have been, Several Comedies and Tragedies.
Declaration of the Psalm 94. Deus ultionum Dominus. Lond. 1539. oct.
Lives of Sectaries.—With other things which I have not yet seen.Clar. 1539. He was living an Ancient Man, and in esteem among the Nobility in the latter end of Henry 8. The Reader is now to know that there was another Hen. Parker, who wrot a Book intit. Dives & pauper. A compendious treatise (an exposition) upon the ten Commandments. Lond. 1496. fol. There again in 1538, and 1586. oct. Which Henry being a Carme of Doncaster in Yorkshire, and D. of D. of Cambridge, in the time of Ed. 4. must not be taken to be the same with the former.