Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 295

Richard Parks

, a Lancashire Man born, was chosen Scholar (Kings Scholar) of Brasnose coll. 1574. aged 16. entred into Holy Orders when Bach. of Arts, and proceeding in that degree 1585. became a godly Divine, a noted Preacher, and admirably well read in Theological and Polemical authors. His works are,

An Apology of three Testimonies of Holy Scripture, concerning the Article of our Creed, [He descended into Hell] first impugned by certain objections sent in writing by a Minister unto a Gent. in the Country, and lately seconded by a printed Pamphlet, under the name of Limbomastix. Lond. 1607. qu. Answered by Andr. Willet of Cambridge in his Loidromastix.

A second book containing a Rejoinder to a reply made against the former book, lately published in a printed Pamphlet intit.Clar. 1607. Limbo-Mastix. Lond. 1607. qu. The same year was published at Cambr. in qu. A Scourge for a Railer, written by the said Willet, against our author Parks. What else he hath written, it appears not, nor any thing besides.