Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 462
Benjamin Parry
younger Brother to Joh. Parry before mention’d, was born, as I conceive, in Dublin, admitted in Arts in Trin. Coll. there, on the 5. of Decemb. 1648, came with his Brother to Jesus Coll. in this University, took the degrees in Arts, and after his Majesties restauration, he was, by the favour of his Commissioners appointed to visit this University, made Greek Reader, and so consequently Fellow, of C. C. Coll. In 1663 Feb. 26 he was installed Preb. of Knaresbergh in the Church of York, (he being then Bach. of Div.) upon the resignation of Dr. Rob. Mossom; which Dignity he resigning upon his going into his own Country, was succeeded therein by Dr. Will. Asshton, in Feb. 1673. On the first of May 1674 he was made Dean of Kilkenny, and thence was translated to the Deanery of S. Patrick at Dublin on the 24 of March following. On the 27. of Jan. 1677 he was consecrated Bishop of Ossory in the place of his Brother deceased, which he kept to his dying day, that shortly after followed. He hath written,
Chymia Caelestis: Drops from heaven, or pious meditations on several places of Scripture. Lond. 1659, 73 in tw. And also made fit for the press and published Holy rules and helps to devotion, &c. Lond. 1674. in tw. Written by Dr. Duppa Bishop of Winton. This Dr. Parry, who, I suppose, hath published no other things, died on the fourth day of Octob. in sixteen hundred seventy and eight (having a little before been married,1678. but not to his content) and was buried near to the graves of his Brother and Father in S. Audoens Church in Dublin. In the See of Ossory succeeded Dr. Mich. Ward Provost of Trin. Coll. near Dublin, and soon after he was translated to London-Derry.