Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 621

Henry Parry

, or ap Harry, sometimes Fellow of Corp. Ch. coll. was consecrated B. of Gloucester 12. Jul. 1607. translated thence to Worcester in the latter end of Sept. 1610. the temporalities of which See were (u)(u) Pat. 8. Jac. 1. p. 52. restored to him 23. Oct. the same year. He yielded to nature in sixteen hundred and sixteen; 1616 under which year you may see more of him among the writers. He was succeeded in Gloucester by Dr. Giles Tomson, and in Worcester by Dr. Joh. Thornborough. Of the first I have made mention already among the Bishops, and of the other I shall speak in the second volume of this work, under the year 1641.