Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 622
Richard Parry
, Son and Heir of Joh. Parry, was born at Ruthyn in Denbighshire, educated in Westminster School under Camden for some time, elected Student of Ch. Ch. in 1579. aged 19 years, took the degrees in Arts, holy Orders, and became School-master, as ’tis said, of Ruthyn before-mentioned. In 1598. he proceeded D. of div. and whether he was before that time Dean of Bangor, I cannot tell. Sure it is, that that dignity was enjoyed by one Rowland Thomas, who died in 1588. Afterwards when K. Jam. 1. who had an especial respect for his learning, came to the English Crown, he soon after promoted him to the See of S. Asaph. To which being consecrated (b)(b) Fr. Godw. ut sup. int. ep. S. Asaph. on the 30. Dec. 1604. he received (c)(c) Pat. 2. Jac. 1. p. 31. the temporalities belonging thereunto on the 5. of Jan. following. He ended his days at Diesert commonly called Dyssart in Flintshire on the 26. of Sept. in sixteen hundred twenty and three, 1623 and was buried in the Cath. Ch. of S. Asoph. The year before he died he left a pension of 6 l. per an. to Jesus coll. for the maintenance of a poor Scholar born in the Town of Ruthyn, or in the diocess of S. Asaph, to be paid by his Son Richard and his Heirs for ever. See more in Hist. & Antiq. Vniv. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 317. a. He assisted Dr. Will. Morgan B. of Landaff in the translating the Bible into Welsh, and after his death had a Lat. Sermon ad clerum, on Rev. 3. ver. 4. printed under his name, 1628. in oct.