Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 6
Barthelmew Parsons
a most laborious and frequent Preacher, was a Somersetshire man born, and of the same Family with Fath. Parsons the Jesuit, applied his mind to Academical studies in Oriel Coll. in the year 1590 aged 16 years or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, holy orders, and preached constantly for a time in these parts. In 1611 he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences, being about that time Vicar of Collingbourne-Kingston, and Rector of Ludgarshall in Wiltshire; at which places he was much followed and admired for his hospitality and preaching. He hath written and published
Sermons, as (1) The barren tree’s doome, on Math. 3.10. Lond. 1616. qu. (2) Sermon on Psal. 82.6. printed 1616. qu. (3) First fruit of the Gentiles, three Sermons on Math. 2. ver. 1.2. &c. Lond. 1618. qu. (4) Dorcas or a perfect pattern of true discipline, on Acts 9.36. Oxon. 1631. qu. (5) Boaz and Ruth blessed: or a sacred contract &c. on Ruth 4.11. Oxon 1633. qu. (6) Four Sermons, on Acts 10.1.2. Lond. 1635. qu. (7) Sermon on Ephes 6.12.13. Oxon. 1637. qu. (8) History of Tithes: or, Tithes vindicated to the Presbyters of the Gospell, on Deut. 33.11. Oxon 1637. qu. This Sermon hath also this lat. title, Honos est onus Levitarum. (9) Sermon at the funeral of Sir Franc. Pile Bt. at Collingbourne Kingston in the County of Wilts, 8 Dec. 1635, on Isay 57.1.2. Oxon. 1636. qu. and others which I have not yet seen. This venerable and frequent Preacher Mr. Barth. Parsons died in the latter end of February in sixteen hundred forty and one, and was buried under the south wall of the Chancel of the Church of Ludgarshall before mention’d on the 27 day of the same month,1641/2. as the Register of that Church inform’d my sometimes acquaintance Tho. Gore of Alderton in Wilts Esq.