Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 593

Richard Pates

, an Oxfordshire man born, was admitted Scholar of C. C. coll. 1. June 1522. and the year following Bach. of Arts. Which degree being compleated by Determination, he went to Paris, where he was made Master of Arts, and at his return Archdeacon of Winchester, on the resignation of Joh. Fox, in 1526. In 1528 he resigned that dignity, being that year made Archd. of Lincoln upon the death of Will. Smyth Doctor of decrees. By which title, as also that of Bach. of Arts of this University and Master of Paris, he supplicated on the 17. Jan. 1530. that he might not be bound to be present at Exequies in S. Maries Church; which shews that he was not then incorporated. Afterwards he was imployed in several Embassies, and in 1534. I find him resident in the Emperours Court, and there again in 1540. in which year wss a pass-port made for him by Secretary Cromwell to Calais, in order to reside with the Emperour, as Embassador for the K. of England. In which pass-port he is stiled, Dr. Rich. Pates Archdeacon of Lincoln. In 1542. he was attained of High Treason; whereupon his Archdeaconry was bestowed on George Heneage, and his Prebendship of East-Harptre in the Church of Wells on Joh. Heryng LL. D. In the year 1554. he being preferr’d by Q. Mary to the Episcopal See of Worcester, had restitution (q)(q) Pat. 1. & 2: Ph. & Mar. p. 1. made to him (by the name of Rich. Pate only) of the temporalities belonging thereunto, 5. March the same year, at which time Hooper his Predecessor had been dead about 3 weeks. After Q. Elizabeth came to the Crown, he was not imprisoned in the Tower of London as Jo. Fox (r)(r) In his book of Acts and mon. of the c [] . an. 1559. saith, but being deprived, he went beyond the Seas, sate in the Council of Trent, (uninvited as one (*)(*) Laur. Humfredus in Vitae & mort. Jc. Juelli. edit. 1573. p. 179. saith,) as he had done before,Clar [] 1562. and whether he died there, or at Rome, I cannot tell. He was a learned man, of a peaceable disposition, zealous in the Faith he professed, yet always against inflicting corporal punishments on such that were opposite in Religion to him. In the said See of Worcester succeeded Edwin Sandys Son of Will. Sandys of Furnes in Lancashire, Justice of the Peace, and the Kings Receiver of that County, by Margaret his Wife, Daughter of Joh. Dixon of London. To which See being elected upon Pates his deprivation by the name and title of Edwin Sandes Capellanus regius & SS. Thol. Professor, had restitution made to him (s)(s) Pat. 2. Elizab. p. 14. of the temporalities belonging to it 23. March 2. Elizab. dom. 1559.