Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 562
John Penny
whose native place is as yet to me unknown, was educated (†)(†) [〈…〉] in Lincoln coll. but whether in the condition of a Fellow, I cannot tell. Afterwards he being Doctor of the Laws, and noted for an eminent Canonist, was made Bishop of Bangor in 1504, (having before been Abbat of Leycester as John L [•] land (‖)(‖) [〈…〉] saith) where sitting till 1508. was by the Popes Bull dated at Rome 10. cal. Oct. in the same year translated to Carlile, and on the 23 of January following paid his obedience to the Archb. of York. 1520 He gave way to fate about fifteen hundred and twenty, but where buried, unless in his church of Carlile I know. His predecessor in that See was Dr. Rog. Laybourne of Cambridge, who by his (*)(*) [〈…〉] will dated 17. Jul. 1507. desired to be buried in the parish church of S. James near to Charing Cross by London, but whether he died in that, or in the year following, I cannot tell because there was no probat made of his Will. Walter Redman D. D. and Master of the coll. at Greystock in Cumberland was one of his Executors.