Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 387

Ludovisio Petrucci

, or à Petruccioli, or, as he writes himself, Ludovicus Petruccius infelix Eques, Son of Ariodant or Aridante [] etrucci, was born at Sienna à Petigliano in Tuscany, educated partly in juvenile learning in his own country, but before he had made proficiency in Academicals, he became a Souldier of fortune, first in Creet for the Venetians where he was Sarjeant-major, in 1602. secondly in the Hungarian wars, where he was Captain of a Foot-company in the regiment first of Count Salma and afterwards in that of Colonel Ferdinand de Colonitsch, serving for the Emperour, and at length in the services of the Prince of Brandiburg and Nuburgh. But being unfortunate in all his undertakings, he left the trade of war, and retiring into England, took a journey to Ox [••] . in 1610. and was entred into the publick Library in the beginning of the year following. About that time he was a Commoner of S. Edmunds hall, as he was afterwards of Ball. coll. wore a gown, spent four years or more in Academical learning, and frequented the Prayers and Sacraments according to the Church of England. But being notwithstanding suspected for a Papist, or at least popishly affected, and to keep intelligence with that party, were several objections made against him for the inconveniency and evil consequence that might happen for his long continuance in the University. Whereupon he was forced, or at least desired, to depart, such were the jealousies of the puritanical party in the University. He hath written,

Farrago Poematum, diversis locis & temporibus conscriptorum, &c. Oxon. 1613. in Ital. and Lat. in qu.

Oratio ad D. Joh. Bapt. Bernardum Praetorem Patavinum & universam curiam, in Vigiliis Paschatis. Printed with the former book.

Apologia contra calumniatores suos. Lond. 1619. qu.

Emblemata varia, dedicata Regibus, Principibus & Magnatibus.

Epistola ad D. Georg. Abbot Archiep. Cantuar. Domino Franc. Bacon supremo Angl. Canc. & Gulielmo comiti Pembrochiae.

Poemata varia.

Oratio composita quando statuit relinquere Academiam Oxon. 18. Aug. 1614.Clar. 1620. Which four last things were printed with his Apologia, &c. 1619. what other books he hath published, I cannot justly tell. However, from those before mention’d, it appears that the author was a phantastical and unsetled man, and delighted, as it seems, in rambling.