Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 629
John Philipps
, was a Welsh-man born, as it seems, and having received his Academical education in Oxon, became afterwards Parson of Thorp Basset, and Slingesby in Yorkshire; which last he obtained in the latter end of March 1591. About that time he being Chaplain to Henry Earl of Derby, became Archdeacon of Clievland (on the resignation of Rich. Bird, Bach. of div.) in Apr. 1601, also Archdeacon of the Isle of Man, and at length, (about 1614.) Bishop of that place, but in whose room I cannot tell, for between the translation thence of Dr. George Lloyd to Chester 1604. some person, yet unknown to me, did succeed. In the Rectory of Slingesby succeeded Sam. Philipps M. A. in Jan. 1618. and in Clievland Henry Thurcross M. A. an. 1619. as I shall tell you in the Fasti, an. 1610. So that I presume those two places were kept in Commendam with the Bishoprick, by the said John Philipps, whom I take to be the same with Joh. Philipps who took the degree of M. of Arts as a Member of S. Maries hall, in the month of May 1584. Which degree he compleated as a Member of Broadgates, in an Act celebrated 10. of July the same year. The said Joh. Philipps Bishop of Man translated the Bible into the Manks language, that is, the language commonly spoken in the Isle of Man, assisted in the said work by Sir Hugh Cannal Minister of Kirk St. Michael in the said Isle. He concluded his last day about the year sixteen hundred thirty and three, 1633 and was succeeded in the said See of Man by William Forster a Divine of some note in his time, but whether he was ever of Brasnose coll. as some think he was, (wherein several of his sirname and time have studied,) I cannot tell. One Will. Forster a Warwickshire man born, was entred a Student in S. Johns coll. 1601. and another of that house was a writer, as I have before told you among the writers under the year 1633. One Joh. Philipps wrote A summon to repentence. Lond. 1584. oct. but he is not to be taken to be the same with the former, and another Joh. Philipps wrote The way to Heaven, on Acts 2. 47.—Printed in qu. 1625. Which book. I having not yet seen, I cannot say to the contrary but that it may be published by Joh. Philipps the Bishop. Qu.