Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 78
John Philpot
, Son of Sir Pet. Philpot Knight of the Bath, and twice Sheriff of Hampshire, was born at Compton in that County, educated in Grammaticals in Wykehams School near Winchester, admitted true and perpetual Fellow of New Coll. in the Year 1534, had a Civilians place there, and took (as ’tis said) the Degree of Bach. of the Lawes, but whether in this University, it appears not in the registers thereof. However, he was then esteemed a good Civilian, and admirably well skill’d in the Greek and Hebrew tongues. In 1541, his Fellowship became void because of absence, being then (I presume) in his travels in Italy. After his return, retiring to Winchester, he read Lectures in the Cathedral there on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: Which, tho they were done gratis, were not acceptable to the Catholick Clergy or Citizens of that place. In the time of Edw. 6. he became Archdeacon of Winchester in the place of one Will. Bolen, who succeeded Rich. Pates upon his resignation an. 1529. In 1553, he let drop certain passages in a convocation of the Clergy savouring of Heresie, as ’twas then (temp. Mariae) accounted. Whereupon being imprison’d, he was after an Year and a half confinement, examined in points of faith by the Bishop of London, and his assistants; who finding him obstinate in his opinions, and past all recantation, was by them condemned to be burn’d. He hath written,
Epistolae Hebraicae. lib. 1.
De proprietate Linguarum. lib. 1.
An apology for spitting upon an Arrian, with an invective against the Arrians, and an admonition to all that be faithful in Christ to beware of them, and of other late sprung Heresies.—Printed at London in 3 Sheets in oct. at the end of The examinations of John Philpot, &c. which examinations were afterwards remitted by John Fox into the Book of Acts and Mon. of the Church, &c. but not the Apology.
- Supplication to K. Philip and Qu. Mary.
- Letters to the Lady Vane.
- Letters to the Christian congregation.
- Exhortation to his Sister.
- See the said Book of John Fox, under the Year 1555.
Oration—The beginning of which is, ’Tis a lamentable thing to behold at this present in England the faithless departing, &c. This is in MS. in Bodly’s Library qu. D. 23. Th. bound with John Bradford’s (the Martyr) Treatise of predestination, with an answer to certain enormities calumniously gathered of one to slander Gods truth. MS. The said Joh. Philpot hath also translated into English. (1) Calvinus Homelies. (2) Chrysostome against Heresies; with other things which I have not yet seen. He suffered death in Smithfield by burning, 1555 on the 18. Decemb. in Fifteen hundred fifty and five. See his story in Joh. Fox before mentioned, under the Year 1555. and Rob. Parsons his answer to it in The third part of a treatise intit. of three conversions of England,, &c. Printed 1604. chap. 16. p. 286. 287, &c. and elsewhere. In the Archdeaconry of Winchester, succeeded Mr. Philpot one Steph. Cheston LL. Bach. Prebendary of the same place, who dying 1571. Dr. Joh. Ebden Preb. of the said Church of Winton also succeeded.