Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 630
William Pilsworth
was born in Fleetstreet in the west suburb of London, elected and admitted Demie of Magd. coll. 29. Sept. 1578. aged 18 years on the day of the Nativity of our Saviour following, took one degree in Arts as a member of Magd. hall in Dec. 1581, left the University without any other degree, went into Ireland, became Prebendary of Monabannoc, and at length Bishop of Kildare: To which see being consecrated (d)(d) Ibid. p. 130. at Balsoon in the county of Meath, 11. Sept. 1604, sate there without any removal to the time of his death; which hapning at Naas on the 9. of May in sixteen hundred thirty and five, 1635 was buried at Dunfert in the country of Kildare. In the said See succeeded Robert Vsher D. D. Son of Hen. Vsher sometimes Archbishop of Armagh; who lived upon it till the Rebellion broke out in Ireland; an. 1641, and then retired into England for protection.