Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 252
Charles Pinner
an eminent Preacher in the time of Q. Elizabeth, received his first breath in the ancient Borough of Southampton in Hampshire, educated in Wykeham’s School, made perpetual Fellow of New coll. 1575. took one degree in the Civil Law, and soon after became Minister of Wooten-Basset in Wiltshire, where being much resorted to for his edifying way of Preaching, (especially by the Puritan,) did, for the satisfaction of the neighbourhood and others, publish.
Several Sermons, as (1) Sermon upon the Words of St. Paul the Apost. unto Tim. Ep. 1. 4. 8. Oxon 1597. oct. (2) Honour all Men, love brotherly Fellowship, on 1 Pet. 2. 17. Oxon 1597. in oct. (3) Serm. at Marlborough in Wilts, on 1 Tim.Clar. 1597. 4. 16.—Printed in oct. about the same time. Besides these, it is said he hath published more, but such I have not yet seen, nor do I know any thing else of the author, only that he was much, in esteem in the latter end of Q. Elizabeth.