Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 552
Philip Pinson
, an English man, studied among the Minorites or Grey Friers for a time, in their house in Oxon. of which order he was a learned brother, but whether he took the Degree of D. D. in this University, we have no register that shews it. Afterwards he became Suffragan Bishop to Hadrian de Castello Bishop of Hereford and afterwards of B. and Wells; by whose endeavours, but chiefly of those of K. Hen. 7. he was advanced at Rome to the Archbishoprick of Tuam in Ireland on the 2. of Decemb. in fifteen hundred and three, 1503 and three days after died (l)(l) Ibid. p. 25 [•] . of the Plague. Afterwards that See laid void two years, and then ’twas confer’d on Maurice O Fihely, whom I have before, among the writers, mentioned.