Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 251

Robert Pointz

son of Sir John Pointz was born of, and descended from, an antient and noble family of his name living at Iron-Acton in Glocestershire, was educated for a time in the quality of a Gent. Com. in this University, but in what Coll. unless in that of Lincoln, (for I cannot find him matriculated as yet) I know not. Afterwards he studied for a time in one of the Temples, and when K. Ch. 1. was crown’d in 1625 he was made one of the Knights of the Bath. He hath written,

A vindication of Monarchy and the government long established in the Ch. and Kingdom of England, against the pernitious assertions and tumultuous practices of the Innovators during the last Parliament in the raign of K. Ch. 1. Lond. 1661. qu. He was buried in the Church of Iron-Acton among the graves of his ancestors, on the tenth day of Nov. in sixteen hundred sixty and five,1665. aged 79 years or thereabouts. leaving then behind him a Son named John a Knight, who died in the Middle Temple at London in 1680, and left behind him a relict named Anne . but not the estate at Iron-Acton, because it had been conveyed away by his Father. One of his name and family called Captain John Pointz wrot and published The present prospect of the famous and fertile Island of Tobago, &c. with Proposals for the encouragement of all those that are minded to settle there. Lond. 1683. in 7 sh. in qu. Whether he was of any University I know not.