Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 118

Robert Pointz

to whom Alderli [] in Glocestershire (where his Family was gentile) gave breath, and Wykehams School near to Winehester education, was admitted perpetual Fellow of New Coll. in 1554 took the Degrees in Arts, that of Master being confer’d upon him in 1560, but went away before he compleated it by standing in the Comitia. Afterwards leaving his Relations, Country, and all future expectation, for Religion sake, settled at Lovaine in Brabant, as it seems, became a Student in Divinity, and published,

Testimonies for the real presence of Christ’s body and blood in the blessed Sacrament of the Altar, set forth at large and faithfully translated out of six ancient Fathers, which lived far within six hundred years. Lov. 1566. oct.

Certain notes declaring the force of those testimonies, and detecting sometimes the Sacramentaries false dealing—Printed with the former book.

Miracles performed by the Eucharist—This last with other things that he hath written,Clar. 1566. as ’tis said, I have not yet seen. An 100 years after this R. Pointz. lived another of both his names, and of the same Family, a writer also, and a Knight of the Bath, whom I shall remember hereafter.