Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 222
Charles Potter
Son of Dr. Christop. Potter Provost of Queens College, was born in the Parish of S. Peter in the East in Oxon, became Student of Ch. Ch. in 1647, aged 14 years, took one degree in Arts in 1649, and was that year made the senior quadragesimal Collector. Soon after was published under his name, his
Theses Quadragesimales in scholis Oxoniae publicis pro forma discussae, an. 1649/50. Oxon. 1651. in tw. Afterwards he took the degree of Master of Arts, travelled beyond the seas, became for a time a Retainer to Mr. Crofts, known soon after by the name of James Duke of Monmouth., and at length, after he had changed his Religion for that of Rome, was made one of the Ushers to Henrietta Maria the Qu. Mother of England. He died in his Lodgings in Dukestreet near the Strand, in the middle of Decemb. in sixteen hundred sixty and three,1663. and was buried in the Church of S. Paul in Covent Garden, within the Liberty of Westminster, near to the grave of his great Uncle Dr. Barnab. Potter sometimes Bishop of Carlile. While the said Ch. Potter was an Undergraduat of Ch. Ch, Tho. Severne M. A. and Student thereof (Son of Joh. Severne of Broadway, afterwards of Powick in Woocestershire) was his Tutor, and wrot and composed the said Theses Quadragesimales, and therefore he (who is now living at Worcester) is to be taken for the Author of that book, much commended when it was first published.