Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 483
Griffith Powell
, a younger Son of Tho. Powell of Lansawell in Caermarthenshire Esq was born there, entred a Commoner of Jesus coll. 1581. aged 20. became the first Fellow of the said coll. by election, took the degrees in Arts, and one in the Civil Law, and at length (after some controversies had passed) was setled Principal of his College in 1613. being then accounted by all a most noted Philosopher, or subtile Disputant, and one that acted and drudged much as a Tutor, Moderator, and Adviser in studies among the Juniors. He hath transmitted to Posterity,
Analysis Analyticorum posteriorum seu librorum Aristotelis de Demonstratione, cum Scholiis. Oxon. 1594. oct.
Analysis libri Aristot. de Sophisticis Elenchis. Ox. 1594. and 1664. oct. Concerning which two books these verses were made,
Griffith Powell, for the Honour of her Nation,
Wrote a Book of Demonstration,
And having little else to doe,
He wrote a Book of Elenchs too.
He also wrote several other matters of Philosophy, which would have been very useful for Novices, but the author being taken up too much with his charge, he could not spare time to put them in order for the Press, much less to publish them. He paid his last debt to nature, 28. June in sixteen hundred and twenty, 1620 and was buried in the Church of St. Michael (in Jesus coll. Isle I think) near to the North Gate of the City of Oxon. By his nuncupatory Will he left all his Estate to that Coll. amounting to 648 l.—17 s.—2 d. with which, and certain Monies, were Lands purchased for the maintenance of one Fellow of the said Coll.