Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 265
Henry Price
was born in London, became Scholar of St. John’s coll. in 1584. aged 18. afterwards Fellow, M. of A. and Chaplain to Sir Hen. Lea of Oxfordshire. At length taking the degree of Bac. of Div. became Rector of Fleetmarston in Bucks, a noted Preacher, and an elegant Lat. Poet. His Works are,
Epicedium in obitum Henrici Comitis Derbeiensis. Oxon. 1593. qu.
The Eagles flight; Serm. at Pauls Cross, on Luke 17. 37. Lond. 1599. oct. He died at Woodstock in Oxfordshire, 2. Feb. 1600-1. in sixteen hundred, aged 34. or thereabouts, and was buried in St. John’s coll. Chappel. Over his Grave was a Mon. soon after erected, at the charge of the President and Society, who were his Heirs; a copy of the inscription on which you may read in Hist. & Antiq. Vnivers. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 312. He left behind him several Sermons, which were esteemed by some, worthy of the Press, one of which I have (t)(t) In bib. D. Tho. Barlow, MS. seen, written on Rom. 7. 24. Preached an. 1594.