Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 468

Sampson Price

, Son of Thom. Price, sometimes Vicar of S. Chads Church in Shrewsbury, was born there, became a Batler of Exeter coll. in 1601. aged 16 or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, as a Member of Hart hall, entred into the sacred function, as a Member of that coll. became a smart Preacher in the University and near it, especially against the Papists, made one of the Lecturers of S. Martins church in Oxon, afterwards of S. Olaves in London, and took the degrees in Divinity, that of Doctor being compleated in 1617: About which time he was Chaplain in Ord. to K. Jam. 1. (as he was afterwards to K. Ch. 1.) and a most ready and frequent Preacher in the Court. At length he was made Vicar of Christ Church in London, where being much resorted to and admired, was usually stiled The Mawle of Hereticks, meaning Papists, he being a most bitter Enemy (as his brother Daniel was) in his preachings, discourses, and writings against them. So that, as ’tis presumed, that party having a hatred towards them, the English Recollect Friers at Doway, did often (b)(b) Lewis Owen in his Running register, pr. 1626. p. 99. brag that this our author, and his brother Daniel, should one day either carry faggots upon their shoulders, or be burned in Smithfield, or else recant, and be glad to have the office to sweep their (c)(c) The said Friers always took Ch. Church to be theirs by succession, because that House did belong to their Predicessors the Franciscan Friers, commonly called the Grey Friers, before the dissolution of Religious Houses in England. Church (wherein they had preached false doctrine) for an everlasting pennance, and their Wives to carry out the dust and filth, &c. He hath published,

Several Sermons, as (1) Londons warning by Loadicea’s Lukewarmness, on Rev. 3. 15, 16. Lond. 1613. qu. (2) A heavenly proclamation to fly Remish Babylon, on Rev. 18. 4. Oxon. 1614. qu. (3) Ephesus warning before her woe, on Rev. 2. 5. Lond. 1616. qu. (4) Clearing of the Saints sight, on Rev. 7. 17. Lond. 1617. qu. (5) Beauty of Holiness, on Joh. 10. 22, 23. Lond. 1618. qa. Preached in the Chap. at the Free-School in Shrewsbury, 10. Sept. 1617. at what time the said Chappel was consecrated by the B. of Cov. and Lichfield. (6) The Twinns of birth and death, preached at the Funeral of Sir Will. Bird 5 Sept. 1624. on Eccles. 3. 2. Lond. 1624—5. qu. (7) Londons remembrancer for the staying of the plague, on Psal. 42. 4. Lond. 1626. qu. These seven Sermons are all that I have yet seen of his composition, and therefore I can saynomore of him, but that he was buried under the Communion Table in the Chancel of Ch. Church before-mentioned in sixteen hundred and thirty, 1630 and was succeeded in his Vicarage by Mr. Edw. Finch of Cambridge, Brother to Sir Joh. Finch, afterwards Lord Finch of Fordwich. The said Dr. Samp. Price had an elder Brother called Dr. Daniel Price, whom I shall mention under the year 1631.