Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 29
Rees Prichard
was born, as it seems, at Llanymodyfri in Caermarthenshire, and being educated in those parts, he was sent to Jesus Coll. in 1597, aged 18 years or thereabouts, ordained Priest at Wittham or Wytham in Essex by John Suffragan Bishop of Colchester, on Sunday 25. Apr. 1602, took the degree of Bach. of Arts in June following, and on the sixth of Aug. the same year, had the Vicaridge of Llanymodyfri before mentioned, commonly called Landovery collated on him by Anthony Bishop of S. David. On the 19. of Nov. 1613 he was instituted Rector of Llamedy in the dioc. of S. David, (presented thereunto by the King,) which he held with the other Living by dispensation from the Archb. 28. Oct. 1613, confirmed by the great Seal on the 29 of the same month, and qualified by being Chaplain to Robert Earl of Essex. In 1614. May 17. he was made Prebendary of the Collegiat Church of Brecknock by the aforesaid Anthony Bishop of S. David; and by the Title of Master of Arts (which degree he was persuaded to take by Dr. Laud his diocesan) he was made Chancellour of S. David (to which the Prebend of Llowhadden is annex’d) on the 14. of Sept. 1626 upon the resignation of Rich. Baylie Bach. of Div. of S. Johns Coll. In Wales is a book of his composition that is common among the people there, and bears this Title.
Gwaith Mr Rees Prichard, Gynt Ficcer &c. The works of Mr. Rees Prichard sometimes Vicar of Landovery in Caermarthenshire, printed before in 3 Books, but now printed together in one book, &c. with an addition in many things out of Mss. not seen before by the publisher; besides a fourth part now the first time imprinted. Lond. 1672 in a thick 8 [•] . It contains four parts, and the whole consist of several Poems and pious Carols in Welsh, which some of the Authors Countrymen commit to memory, and are wont to sing. He also translated divers Books into Welsh, and wrot somthing upon the 39 Artiticles; which, whether printed I know not: some of it I have seen in Ms. He dyed at Llanymodifri about the month of Nov. in sixteen hundred forty and four,1644. and was, as I presume, buried in the Church there. In his life time he gave Lands worth 20 l. per ann. for the setling a Free School at Llanymodifri, together with an House to keep it in. Afterwards the House was possessed by four School-Masters successively, and the mony paid to them. At length Tho. Manwaring (Son of Roger sometimes Bishop of St. David) who married Elizab. the only daugh. of Samuel, Son of the said Rees Prichard, did retain, (as I have been informed by letters thence) and seise upon, the said Lands under pretence of paying the School-Master in mony, which accordingly was done for an year or two. But not long after (as my informer tells me) the River Towry breaking into the House, carried it away, and the Lands belonging thereunto, are occupied at this time (1682) by Rog. Manwaring Son and Heir of Thomas before mentined; so that the School is in a manner quite forgotten.