Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 681
John Prichett
son of Walt. Prich. of Hillenden in Middlesex, (afterwards Alderman of Lond. as his Relations have told me) was born there, or in that County, admitted a Student of Queens Coll. in Mich. term 1622, aged 18 years, took the degrees in Arts as a member of S. Edm. Hall, that of Master being compleated in an Act celebrated 1629. Afterwards marrying an Oxford Woman of inferiour note, he became beneficed in his own Country, but whether he suffer’d for any Cause during the Civil War I know not. Sure ’tis that he being Vicar of S. Giles Church near Cripplegate in London, after the restauration of K. Ch. 2, and esteemed a rich man, as indeed he was, he, by the endeavours of Dr. Sheldon, Archb. of Cant, had the poor Bishoprick of Glocester confer’d on him, after the death of Dr. Nicolson, with leave allowed to him to keep the said Ch. of S. Giles in commendam with it. So that being consecrated thereunto on the third day of Nov. (being the first Sunday of that month) an. 1672, sate there till the time of his death, which hapning at Harefield in Middlesex, (where he had an Estate) on the first day of January in sixteen hundred and eighty, was buried on the seventh day of the same month under the Pulpit of the Church there.168 [•] / [•] . In the said See succeeded Dr. Rob. Frampton of Oxon, who sitting there with great liking till after K. Will. 3. came to the Crown, was then deprived of his Bishoprick, for not taking the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy.