Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 247
John Prime
, Son of Rob. Prime, a Fletcher, was born in the Parish of Halywell in the North Suburb of Oxford, received his Grammatical Literature in Wykehams School near to Winchester, admitted perpetual Fellow of New Col. in 1570. took the degrees in Arts, holy Orders and became a noted puritanical Preacher in the City of his Nativity, and much favoured by Dr. Cooper Bishop of Winchester. In 1589. he proceeded in Divinity, being at that time Vicar of Adderbury alias Eabburbury in Oxfordshire, where he became much followed for his edifying way of preaching. He hath written,
A short treatise of Sacraments generally, and in special of Baptism, and of the Supper. Lond. 1582. oct.
Treatise of nature and grace. Lond. 1583, oct.
Sermon briefly comparing the State of King Solomon and his Subjects together with the condition of Queen Elizabeth and her People, preached at S. Maries in Oxon. 17. Nov. 1585. on 1 Kings 10. 9. Oxon. 1585. oct.
Exposition on the Galathians. Ox. 1587. oct.
The consolations of David applied to Queen Elizabeth, in a Sermon at S. Maries in Oxon. 17. Nov. 1588. on Psal. 23. 4. Oxon. 1588. oct. These, as I think, were all the books and Sermons that he hath published, tho he intended more had he not been cut off in his middle Age. At length after he had been Vicar of Adderbury about 7 years, he concluded his last day there about the 12 of April in fifteen hundred ninety and six, 1596 and was buried in the Church of that place, but hath neither Epitaph or Inscription over his Grave.