Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 14

David Primerose

second Son of Gilb. Primerose a Scot and D. D. mention’d in the Fasti, an. 1624. was born in the City of S. Jean d’ Angely within the Province of Xantoigne in France, educated in Philosophical learning in the University of Bordeaux, made an Excursion to this University of Oxon in his younger years for the sake of the Bodleian Library, and conversation of protestant Theologists, returned to Bordeaux where he proceeded Master of Arts, and visited other places of learning. Afterwards he went to Oxon again to improve his knowledge and studies by the learning and doctrine of Dr. Prideaux the Kings Professor of Divinity, entred himself a Sojourner of Exeter Coll. in 1623, was incorporated Mr. of Arts in the latter end of that year, and soon after performed the exercise for the degree of Bach. of Divinity: Which being done to the great liking of all the auditory, Prideaux openly said before them in the Divinity School, thus, Accepimus responsionem tuam mi fili, tanquam ad ventantis Veris gratissimam primam rosam. Our Author Primerose hath written,

Theses Theologicae de peccato in genere & specie. Genev. 1620. qu.

Thes. Theol de necessitate Satisfactionis pro peccatis per christum Sal [] ur. 1 20. qu.

Disputatio Theologica de divina praedestinatione, et annexis articulis, amplitudine mortis Christi, vi et efficacia gratiae dei, et usu liberi arbitrii in conversionis negotio, &c. Bas. 1621.

Treatise of the Sabbath, and the Lords day, the nature and the original of both.—printed 1636. qu. with other things which I have not yet seen. After he had left Oxon he retired into France, and became Minister of the Protestant Church at Roan in Normandy, Clar. 1642. where I find him in sixteen hundred forty and two. How long afterwards he lived, or when, or where, he died, I know not, nor can I yet learn of any person, tho many that have been in those parts have told me that he was esteemed one of the learnedst reformed Divines in France.