Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 83
William Pye
, a Suffolk Man born, was elected Fellow of Oriel Coll. in 1529, and after he had continued in the Degree of Master some years, he studied Physick, became thrice Proctor of the University, and, as it seems, D. of D. On the 7. of Oct. 1545. he became Archdeacon of Berkshire, upon the resignation of Dr. Jo. Crayford, and in the Reign of Ed. 6. a pretender to reformation; but when Qu. Mary succeeded, he changed his mind, was in the beginning of her Reign, not only made Dean of Chichester, in the place, if I mistake not, of Barthelm. Traheron, but also (p)(p) Reg. Gilb. Bourne Ep. B. & Well. (quod [•••] pit 20. Ap. 1551) sub an 1554. Prebendary of Lytton in the Church of Wells, upon the deprivation of Will. Wrythiosley, and Rector of Chedsey in Somersetshire, on the deprivation also of Mr. Nich. Mason. All that I have seen of his labours, are only these following.
Oratio coram patribus & clero habita, &c. in Oct. 1553. Lond. 1553. in tw.
Disputation with Archb. Cranmer and B. Latymer at Oxon—part of which you may see in the Book of Acts and Mon. by Joh. Fox, under the Year 1554. When this learned Person and celebrated Preacher died, unless in Fifteen hundred fifty and seven, 1557 I know not, not any thing else, only an Epigram written upon him by a Poet (*)(*) Ut in Offic. Armorum, G. 5. fol. 103. of his time and acquaintance, which shall serve for his Epitaph.
Cum pia vita siet, pia cum doceasque popellum,
Jure videre mihi nomine, reque pius.
In his Archdeaconry succeeded Tho. Whyte LL. D. of New Coll. 24. Sept. 1557, but who in his Deanery, I cannot justly tell.