Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 553

Thomas Pygot

, a Denbighshire man born, as it seems, was consecrated Bishop of Bangor, in the year of our Lord 1500, 1504 and paying his last debt to nature on the fifteenth day of Aug. in fifteen hundred and four, was, as I suppose, buried in his own Church. This Tho. Pygot, I take to be the same who supplicated (b)(b) Reg. Act. congreg. Univ. Oxan. Aa. fol: 116: a. the venerable congregation of Regents of this University, in order to to the taking of the degree of Bachelaur of the Civil Law, an. 1458. One of both his names was confirmed Abbat of the Monastery of the Virgin Mary at York, on the death of Thom. Stayngreve, 24. May 1398. and died in 1405. but what relation the former had to this I cannot tell.