Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 159
Nicholas Quemerford
was born in the City of Waterford in Ireland, took a Degree in Arts 1562 after he had spent at least 4 years in this University in pecking and hewing at Logick and Philosophy: Which Degree being compleated by Determination, he went into his own Country, entred into the sacred function and had preferment there, but turned out from it because of his Religion. He wrot in English a pithie and learned treatise, very exquisitely penn’d as one (l)(l) Idem ibid. saith, entituled.
Answers to certaine questions propounded by the Citizens of Waterford.—Also
Divers Sermons.—Soon after he left his Country for the sake of Religion, went to the University of Lovaine in Brabant, where he was promoted to the Degree of Doctor of Divinity 23. June 1576,Clar. 1580. and afterwards, as ’tis said, wrot and published divers other things. See more in Peter White, under the Year 1599. To him I now add his great friend and countryman Rob. Garvey of the Diocess of Kilkenny, who was elected Fellow of Oriel Coll. 1563, proceeded Master of Arts three years after, and became noted for his skill in both the Laws, and for a volubility in the English and latin tongues, as my Author (m)(m) Id. ib. cap. 7. an Irish Man tells me, but whether he published any thing I know not, nor any thing else of him, only that he died in Ireland about 1579.