Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 683

Edward Rainbow

son of Tho. Rainbow A Minister, by Rebecca his wife dau. of Dav. Allen Rector of Ludbrough in Lincolnshire, was born at Bliton near Gainsborough in the said County, 20. Apr. 1608, educated in Grammar learning successively at Gainsborough, Peterborough, and at Westminster, entred a student in Corp. Christi Coll in Oxon, in Jul. 1623, his elder brother John being about that time Fellow of the said House, but before he had quite spent two years there, he was translated to Madg. Coll. in Cambridge, where he was adm. one of the Scholars of Frances Countess Dowager of Warwick, daugh. of Sir Christop. Wray L. Ch. Justice of England. Afterwards taking the degrees in Arts he became Fellow, a noted Tutor in that House, Master thereof in Oct. 1642, (in the place of Dr. Hen. Smith deceased) continued therein in the time of Rebellion without being ejected with others that denied the Covenant, commenc’d Doctor of Div. in 1646 and in 1650 lost his Mastership for refusing a Protestation against the King, that is the Oath called the Engagement. Afterwards he became Minister of Chesterford near Audley inn in Essex, married Elizabeth, dau. of his predicessor Dr. Hen. Smith, and in the beginning of the year 1659 became Rector of Benefield in Northamptonshire; which tho of considerable value, yet by the favour of friends he did not undergo the examination of the Tryers of that time, as he had not done for Chesterford. Upon his Majesties return in 1660 he was restored to his Mastership, was made Chaplain to his Majesty, Dean of Peterborough the same year, and in 1662 Vicech. of Cambridge. In 1664 he became Bishop of Carlile, upon the Translation thence of Dr. Rich. Sterne to the See of York, 1684. where sitting till the time of his death, was then succeeded by Dr. Tho. Smith somtimes Fellow of Qu. Coll. in this University. See in the Fasti in the first Vol. p. 861. but more in a book entit. The life of the right rev. fath. in God Edw. Rainbow D. D. late L. Bishop of Carlile. Lond. 1688. oct, written by one Jonathan Banks Bach. of Arts of Cambridge and School-Master of Applebey in Westmorland, who composed it by the help of some papers and a diary of the Bishop, which the widow of the said Bishop, furnished him with. He the said Dr. Rainbow published Labour forbidden and commanded, two Sermons at S. Paules Cross on Joh. 6.27. Lond. 1635, and another at the Funeral of Susanna Countess of Suffolk, 13. May 1649, on Ecclesiastes 7.1. &c.