Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 522

Henry Ramsden

, a Yorkshire man born, was admitted a Commoner of Magd. hall, in 1610. took the degrees in Arts, was elected Fellow of Linc. coll. in 1621. and five years after leaving that place, wherein he had advanced himself much in the Theological Faculty, he became a Preacher in London, was much resorted to for his edifying and puritanical Sermons, and at length upon the death of Mr. Hugh Ramsden his Brother, he was made Vicar of Halifax in his own Country. After his death were published under his name,

Several Sermons, as, (1) The gate to happiness, on Rom. 6. 8. (2) The wounded Saviour, on Esay 53. 5. (3) Epicures caution, on Luke 21. 34. (4) Generation of Seckers, on Col. 3. 1. which four Sermons are intit. A Gleaning of God’s Harvest. Lond. 1639. qu. Published by Joh Goodwin with his Epist. before them. He ended his days on the seventh of the Cal. of March in sixteen hundred thirty and seven,1637 [] 8. and was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Halifax. Over his grave is an inscription to his memory, which being large, I shall for brevity sake pass by. In his Vicarage of Halifax succeeded Rich. Marsh D. D. afterwards Archdeacon and Dean of York.