Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 265

John Rastell

, a most noted Enemy in his writings to B. John Jewell, was born within the City of Gloucester, trained up in Wykeham’s School, admitted perpetual Fellow of New coll. in 1549. took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1555. and about that time Sacred Orders. In 1560. he left his coll. (wherein he had always been accounted an excellent Disputant,) his Friends, and native Country, and went to Lovaine, where, and at Antwerp, he published certain books against B. Jewell, being then a candidate of the Fac. of Theology. Afterwards he went to Rome, and in 1568. he was, with his Brother, or near Kinsman, admitted into the Society of Jesus. Whereupon, because a way had not then been opened for the Jesuits into England, he went into Germany to perform offices pertaining to his Order. But being initiated in the Priesthood before his ingress into the Society, and having performed the office of Confessor in the place of one Hall, was sent to Auspurge, and at length became Rector of the coll. of Jesuits at Ingolstadt. He hath written,

Confutation of a Sermon pronounced by Mr. Jewell at Paul’s Cross. Antw. 1564.

Copy of a challenge taken out of the confutation of Mr. Jewells Sermon. Antw. 1565. oct.

Reply against an answer (falsly intit.) A defence of the Truth. Antw. 1565. oct.

Brief view of the false wares packed up in the nameless Apolo [] y of the Church of England. Lov. 1567. oct.

Treatise entit. Beware of Mr. Jewell. Antw. 1566. oct. This Jo. Rastell, who parhaps hath written other things; died in a good old age at Ingolstadt about the year sixteen hundred, 1600 and was buried in the coll. of the Jesuits there. Several of these books before-mentioned, are attributed by a certain (s)(s) Jo. Pits. in lib. De [] llustr Ang [] . Script. A [] t. 16. nu. 101 [] . author to Will. Rastell a Judge, but false. See more under the year 1565. where you will justly find what belongs to him.