Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 617
Thomas Ravis
received his first breath at Maulaon alias Meandon in Surrey, his juvenile education in the quality of a Kings Scholar in the college school at Westminster, and his Academical education in Ch. Ch. of which he was made a Student in 1575. After he had taken the degrees in Arts he entred into holy orders, and preached in and near Oxon for some time with great liking. In 1589. he was admitted to the reading of the sentences, in 1592. he was made Canon of the seventh stall in the Ch. of Westm. in the room of Dr. Joh. Still, promoted to the See of B. and Wells, an. 1592. and in 1594. he was made Dean of his house. In the year following he took the degree of Doct. of div. and after he had compleated it by standing in the Act, took the office of Vicechancellour on him for two years together. In 1604. he was for his eminent learning, gravity, and approved prudence, prefer’d by K. Jam. 1. to the See of Glocester, and on the 19. of March the same year was (c)(c) Ib. in Fr. Godwin int. ep. Gloc. consecrated thereunto. The diocess of which place being then pretty well stock’d with such people that could scant brook the name of a Bishop, yet, by his Episcopal way of living among them, he obtained their love, and were content to give him a good report. In 1607. June 2. he was (d)(d) Camden in Annal. R. Jac. 1. sub. an. 1607. translated to London, where sitting but for a short time, paid his last debt to nature (to the great reluctancy of all good men, especially such who knew the piety of the Bishop, and how he had for many years with much vigilancy served his Church, King, and Country) on the fourteenth day of Decemb. in sixteen hundred and nine. 1609 Whereupon his body was buried in the upper end of the north Isle joyning to S. Pauls Cath. Ch. and soon after had put over it a monument, with an inscription thereon; a copy of which being already printed at least (e)(e) In Jo. Stow’s Survey of London, printed 1633. and in W. Dugdales History of S. Pauls Cath. Ch. twice, I shall now omit it, and pass to the next. In his Prebendship of Westminster succeeded Hugh Goodman M. A. and Student of Ch. Ch. installed therein 10. May 1607. in his Deanery Dr. Joh. King, and in his Bishoprick Dr. Geo. Abbot.