Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 475
John Rawlinson
, a fluent and florid Preacher of his time, was born in London, educated in Grammaticals in Merchant-Taylors School, elected Scholar of S. Johns coll. 1591. aged 15. and was afterwards Fellow, M. of A. and so great a frequenter of the Pulpits in Oxon, that his name being cried up for an excellent Theologist, became successively Rector of Taplow in Bucks, Vicar of Asheldam in Essex, Prebendary of Sarum, D. of D. Principal of S. Edmunds hall, Chaplain to Tho. Egerton Baron of Ellesmere L. Chanc. of England, and in Ordinary to K. Jam. 1. Rector of Celsy in Sussex, and of Whitchurch in Shropshire. In all which places he was much followed for his frequent and edifying preaching, great charity and publick Spirit. He hath published,
Divers Sermons, as, (1) The four Summons of the Shulamite, preached at Pauls Cross, on Cantic. 6. 12. Oxon. 1606. in oct. (2) Fishermen Fishers of Men, on Matth. 4. 19. Lond. 1609. qu. (3) The Romish Judas, preached on the 5. Nov. 1610. on Luke 22. 48. Lond. 1611. qu. (4) Mercy to a Beast, on Prov. 12. 10. Oxon. 1602. qu. (5) Vnmasking of the Hypocrite, preached at S. Maries in Ox. on Luke 22. 48. Lond. 1616. qu. (6) Vivat Rex. Let the King live, or God save the King. on 1 Sam. 10. 24. Ox. 1619. qu. (7) The Dove-like Soul, on Psal. 55. 6. Oxon. 1625. qu. (8) Lex Talionis, on Judg. 1. 7. Ox. 1625. qu. (9) Surprising of Heaven, on Mat. 11. 12. lb. 1625. qu. (10) The Bridegroom and Bride, on Cant. 4. 8. lb. 1622. &c. qu. Which four last Sermons, viz. the 7, 8, 9, and 10. were all published together under the title of Qua [•] riga Salutis, or Four Quadragesimal Sermons, &c. These are all the Sermons of his publication that I have yet seen, and whether he be author of an Explication of the Creed, Ten Commandments, and Lords Prayer, which is published under the name of Rawlinson, in oct. I know not. He departed this mortal life in the beginning of the year sixteen hundred thirty and one, 1631 and was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Whitchurch in Shropshire before-mentioned, where his name continues precious to this day among the inhabitants of that place, and in the neighbourhood, In his Prebendship of Salisbury, (called Netherbury in Ecclesia) succeeded Thom. Fuller, 18. Jun. 1631. the same who was afterwards the author of divers historical books; and him Tho. Henchman, 17. Aug. 1661.