Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 440

Adam Reuter

, who intitles himself in some of his books Cotbusius L. Silesius, did, for his improvement in all kind of Literature, retire to the University of Oxon in the beginning of 1608. being then a Licentiat in both the Laws, wherein continuing many years in the condition of a Commoner (for he wore a Gown) and was entred into the Matricula, as a member, if I mistake not, of Exeter coll. was first exhibited to by the Warden and Fellows of New coll. and afterwards by the Vicechancellour and Heads of colleges and halls. He was very well read in substantial authors, and had a quick command of his Latine Pen, but then withal he was a severe Calvinist, which was not, in his time, displeasing to many of the Sages and Heads of the University. His works are.

Questiones juris controversi 12. Ex L. ut vim. 3. just. & jure. Oxon. 1609. qu.

Oratio quam, papam esse bestiam, quae non est, & tamen est, apud Johan. Apoc. 17. ver. 18. &c. Lond. 1610. qu. Which Oration was by the author spoken in publick before the members of the University.

Libertatis Anglicae defensio, seu demonstratio: Regnum Angliae non esse feudum pontificis: In Acad. Oxon. publice opposita Martino Becano Societatis Jesu Theologo. London 1613. quarto.

Eadgarus in Jacobo redivivus; seu pietatis Anglicanae defensio, &c. contra Ross-Weydum. Lond. 1614. qu.

Tractatus de concilio, Theophilo Suffolciae comiti dedicat. Oxon.Clar. 1627. 1626. qu. Besides other things which I have not yet seen, whether he afterwards receeded to his own Country or died in England, I know not.