Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 10
Gabriel Richardson
a Ministers son and a Lincolnshire man born, was initiated a student in Brasnose Coll. 1602, made fellow of it, 1607, being then Bach. of Arts. The next year he proceeded in that faculty, took the sacred function upon him, and at length became Bach. of Divinity. This person, who was admirably well read in Histories and Geography, hath put out a book much valued by learned men intit.
The state of Europe, in 14 books, containing the history and relation of the many Provinces thereof, &c. Oxon. 1627. fol. He had laying by him several volumes of Mss. of his own writing, containing the state of other parts of the world; but coming into the hands of a careless person called Dr. Hen. Bridgman, he neglected, if not mutilated, them, to the great injury of the Author, who dying on the last day of Decemb. in sixteen hundred forty and two,1642. was the next day (being New-years day) buried in the Church of S. Mary the Virgin within the University of Oxford.