Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 377

John Riland

. son of Rich. Ril. of Radbrook in Glocestershire, was born at Over-Quinton in that County, educated in Grammar learning at Stratford upon Avon in Warwicksh. under John Trapp, became a Student in Magd. Hall, in 1633 aged 14, and soon after of Magd. Coll, where taking the degrees in Arts, became perpetual Fellow of that House, in 1641. Afterwards he submittted to the parliamentarian Visitors in 1648, was made Archdeacon of Coventry by Dr. Frewen B. of Lichfield, on the death of Dr. Jo. Arnway, Rector of Bilton by Tho. Boughton Esq an. 1660, and of Birmingham (both in Warwicksh.) by Sir. Sam. Marrow, 1665. He hath written and published.

Several Sermons viz. (1) Dooms-day book opened, an Assize Serm: at Warwick, on Rev. 20.12. Lond. 1660. qu. (2) Elias the second his coming to restore all things, on Isay 1.26. Oxon 1662. qu. (3) Moses the peace-maker, his offers to make one of the two contending brethren, on Acts 7. 26. Oxon. 1662. qu. (4) Confirmation reviv’d, on Psal. 1.3. Lond. 1663. qu. ’Tis a Visitation Sermon, and ’twas preached at Coventry before Dr. Hacket B. of Lich. and Cov. He died on the third day of March, 167 [] /3. in sixteen hundred seventy and two, and was buried in the Chancel of the Church of Birmingham before mention’d. Over his grave was a marble table fixed soon after to the wall, with this inscription Engraven thereon. M. S. Johannis Riland (nèc non chariss. conjugis Ciciliae & filiolae unicae Mariae) Coventriae Archidiaconi & Parochiae hujus Ministri, simul & ornamenti. Qui Atheos pariter & Fanaticos, & quicquid deprivati moris & fidei, scelerosa aetas; non tantum scriptis & sermonibus, (utrisque licet nervosè) sed constanti & indeflexo vitae inculpatae decursu castigavit. Post absoluta Oxoniae juventutis tyrocinia in Coll. Magdal. ubi non dudum commoratus est, quin socius cooptatus: post vitam variisque locis & plagis injuriâ temporum peractam; hic tandem consedit, hic moriebatur 3o Martii anno Salutis 1672 aetatis 53.