Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 8
Henry Rogers
an eminent Theologist of his time, a Ministers Son, and a Herefordshire man by birth, was admitted scholar of Jesus Coll. in 1602 aged 18 years, took the degrees in Arts, holy orders, and soon after was cried up for a noted preacher. At length being made Vicar of Dorston in his own Country, and Residentiary of the Cath. Ch. of Hereford, he proceeded in Divinity. This person having several years before fallen into the acquaintance of a Yorkshire man named John Perse alias Fisher a Jesuit, with whom he several times had disputes, the said Fisher did at length without Rogers his consent publish certain matters that had passed between them: whereupon our Author Rogers put out a book entit.
An answer to Mr. Fisher the Jesuit his five propositions concerning Luther, with some passages by way of dialogue between Mr. Rogers and Mr. Fisher—printed 1623. qu. to which is annex’d Mr. W. C. his dialogue concerning this question, Where was the Church before Luther? discovering Fisher’s folly. Afterwards came out a Reply by Fisher or some other Rom. Cath. which made our Author Rogers to publish,
The protestant Church existent, and their faith professed in all ages and by whom. Lond. 1638. qu. To which is added A catalogue of Counsels in all ages who professed the same. Clar. 1641. What other things he hath written or published I cannot tell, nor any thing else of him, only that, as his Son in Law hath told me by Letters, he was buried under the Parsons seat in the Church of Wellington about four miles distant from the City of Hereford, but when, he added not, or that he was beneficed there. Yet that he died in the time of the civil War, or Usurpation, those of his acquaintance have informed me.