Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 341
Thomas Rogers
, a most admirable Theologist, an excellent Preacher, and well deserving every way of the sacred Function, was born, as I conceive, in Cheshire, and came full ripe to the University before 1568. About which time being made one the Students of Ch. Ch. took holy Orders very early, and afterwards the degree of Master of Arts, Scil. an. 1576. before which time, he was a sedulous and constant Preacher of Gods word. What his preferments were successively afterwards, I know not, only that he was Chaplain to Doctor Bancroft Bishop of London, and at length Rector of Horninger near to S. Edmonds Bury in Suffolke, where and in the neighbourhood, he was always held in great esteem for his learning and holiness of life and conversation. His works are these.
A Philosophical discourse, entit. The Anatomy of the mind. Lond. 1576. oct. Before which is a copy of Verses in praise of it, written by his Contemporary Will. Camden of Ch. Ch.
Of the end of the world, and second comming of Christ, &c. Lond. 1577. qu.
The English Creed; wherein is contained in tables an exposition on the articles which every man is to subscribe unto. Where the articles are expounded by Scripture, and the confessions of all the reformed Churches and Heresies are displayed. Lond. 1579. and 85. fol.
General Session, containing an apology of the comfortable doctrine concerning the end of the world and seccond coming of Christ. Lond. 1581. qu.
The English Creed; consisting with the true ancient Catholique and Apostolick Church in all the points and articles of Religion, which every christian is to know, and believe, that would be saved, &c.—In two parts. The first printed at London in 1585. the second there 1587. and both in fol.
An Exposition on the 39 Articles of the Church of England. Lond. 1586. &c. qu. Which book, at the first appearance, met not with that welcom entertainment, which seemed due to the authors endeavours. For besides the two extreams, Papists and Schismaticks, who were highly inraged, many Protestants of a middle temper were much offended thereat. Some conceived it presumption for a private Minister to make himself the mouth of the Church, to render her sense in matters of so high-concernment. Others were (*)(*) See Tho. [•] ullers Ch. Hist. lib. 9. an. 1584. offended, that his interpretation confin’d the charitable latitude, formerly allowed in those Articles. Howsoever it was, sure it is, the work in some years, wrought it self in good esteem, as dedicated to, and countenanced by, Dr. Bancroft before-mentioned.
A golden Chaine taken out of the rich treasure house of the Psalms of David. Lond. 1587. in tw.
The Peerles of K. Soleman, gathered into common places—Taken from the Proverbs of the said King, printed with the former book.
Historical dialogue touching Antichrist and Popery; drawn and published for the comfort of our Church, &c. Lond. 1589. oct.
Serm. on 12. Rom. ver. 6. 7. 8. Lond. 1590. qu.
Miles Christianus, Or, a defence of all necessary writings and writers, written against an Epistle prefixed to a Catechism made by Miles Moses. Lond. 1590. qu. This Miles Moses was Bach. of Div. and published besides the former things, The arraignment of Vsury in six Sermons. Lond. 1595. qu.
Table of the lawful use of an oath, and the cursed state of vain Swearers. Lond.
Two dealogues. Lond. 1608. He also translated into English. (1) A discourse of the end of the world and second comming of Christ. Lond. 1577. 78. oct. written by Schelto à Geveren of Emden in Friesland. (2) General discourse of the damnable sect of Vsurers, &c. Lond. 1578. qu. written by Philip Caesar. To which is added, A treatise of the lawful use of riches: written by Nich. Heming. (3) The profession of the true Church, and Popery compared. Lond. 1578. oct. (4) Exposition on the 84. Psalm. Lond. 1581. oct. written by Nic. Heming for the instruction of the ignorant in the grounds of Religion; and confutation of the Jewes, Turks, &c. (5) S. Augustins heavenly meditations, call’d, A private talke with God. Lond. 1581. in tw. Purified by our Translator T. Rogers, and adorned with annotations of Scripture. (6) Of the foolishness of men and women in putting off the amendment of their lives from day to day. Lond. 1583. and 86. oct. written Joh. Rivius. (7) Of the imitation of Christ, Lond. 1584. 89. in tw. written in three books by Tho. de Kempis; and for the worthiness thereof oft since translated into sundry Languages. Now newly translated by Tho. Rogers, corrected, and with most ample Texts and Sentences of holy Scripture illustrated. (8) A method to Mortification, called heretofore The contempt of the World, &c. Lond. 1586. in tw. written by Didac. Stella. (9) S. Augustins Prayers. Lond. 1591. in tw. &c. Purged by our Translator (T. Rogers) from divers superstitious points, and adorned with manifold places of Scripture. (10) A manual containing special and picked meditations and godly prayers. Lond. 1591. in tw. with corrections by the Translator. (11) Enemy of security; or, a daily exercise of godly meditations. Lond. 1580. and 91. in tw. written by Joh. Avenar publick Professor of the Hebrew tongue in the University of Witeberge. (12) Enemy to Atheism: or, christian godly prayers for all degrees. Lond. 1591. in tw. written in the German Language by Jo. Avenar, translated out of Lat. by our author T. Rogers. (13) Soliloquium animae: The fourth book of the imitation of Christ. Lond. 1592. in tw. written by Th. de Kempis before mentioned. What other thing our author hath written and translated, I know not; Nor any thing else of him, only that he was a zealous opposer of the doctrine of the Sabbath, and the first that publickly stood up against Dr. Nich. Bownds opinion of it in his Preface to the Exposition on the 39. Articles, &c. which made the other party, (the Puritan) angry, and so far to be enraged, as maliciously to asperse and blemish him. Whereupon he wrote a vindication of himself in MS. now in the hands of a near relation of his. At length after a great deal of pains taken for the benefit of the Church, he gave up the Ghost at Horninger before mention’d, otherwise called Horningshearth: whereupon his body was buried in the Chancel of the Church there, under a rough, unpolished and broken Gravestone, without name or Epitaph, 22. Febr. in sixteen hundred and fifteen, as the Register of that Church tells us;1616-16. which, I presume, follows the English accompt, and not the common, as many country Registers do. I find one Tho. Rogers a Cheshire man born, to have been admitted Student of Ch. Ch. 1547. aged 24. or more, being then Bac. of Arts, and soon after made Master. What relation he had to the former Th. Rogers I know not. Another Tho. Rogers I find, who was born in Glocestershire, in, or near to, Tewksbury, lived mostly in his latter days, in the Parish of S. Giles in the fields near London, and published a Poem entituled The tears or lamentations of a sorrowful Soul. Lond. 1612. qu. written by Sir Will. Leighton Knight, one of his Majesties band of Pensioners. To which, the said Tho. Rogers added of his own composition, a Poem called Glocesters mite. But this Tho. Rogers is quite different from the Divine before mention’d.