Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 563
William Rokeby
, Brother to Sir Rich. Rokeby Treasurer of Ireland, was born in Yorkshire, educated partly in an ancient hostle for the reception of Canonists in S. Aldates Parish, he himself being afterwards Doctor of the Can. Law, and about the same time Rector of Sandall near Doncaster, and Vicar of Halyfax, in his own Country. In 1507. he was by the favour of P. Jul. 2. made Bishop of Meath in Ireland, and the same year one of the Kings Privy Council there. In the latter end of 1511. he was translated by the authority of the same Pope to the Archiepiscopal See of Dublin, and in 1515. was made Chancellour of Ireland by K. Hen. 8. in which great office, as ’tis supposed, he continued to the time of his death. He yielded to the stroke of death 29. Nov. in fifteen hundred twenty and one, 1521 and was buried, as a certain (h)(h) Jac Waraeus ut sup. p. 11 [•] . author saith, in the Church of S. Patrick near Dublin. In his Will (i)(i) In reg Tho. W’olsey Arch [•] ep. Ebor. fol. 155. dated 22. Nov. and proved 4. February, an. 1521. wherein he stiles himself Archb. of Dublin and perpetual Vicar of Halifax, I find these things following,—“Item, I will that after my death my body be embowelled and my bowels and heart to be buried in the Church of Halifax within the Quire, and my body to be buried in the new Chappel at Sandall, and thereon a Tomb of stone to be made, and about the same to be written, Ego Willielmus Dublin Archiepiscopus, quondam Rector istius Ecclsie, credo quod redemptor meus vivit—qui obiit—cujus anime proptietur deus amen. Item, I will that a Chappel be made in all convenient haste at Halifax on the south side of the Church, after the direction of mine Executors and Church-Masters, and there a Tomb to be made with my Image, and thereupon written, Hic jacet-Willlelmi Rokeby nuper Dublin Archiepiscopi & Vicarii perpetui [•] stius Ecclesie, qui credo, &c. Item, where I did obtain a Pardon for the Parish of Halifax, and the Parishings thereunto adjoyning, pro lacticiniis in quadragessima edendis, I will that mine Executors at their discretion obtain sub plumbo the said license to be renewed, and the profit thereof to be imployed for a Priest to sing at Halifax in my said new Chappel as long as may be, by the advice and discretion of my Executors and the Church-Wardens. Item, I will that a Doctor of Div. have 10 l. to be occupied in Preaching, &c. ” Thus far part of his Will-; according to the tenour of which his heart was buried in the Chancel of the Ch. at Halifax, and thereon was laid a stone, with the figure only of an heart engraven thereon. On the north side of the said Church was also founded a Chappel, wherein was a monument built for him, with an inscription put thereon. Which being since partly defaced, you shall have that part which lately remained thereon. Orate pro anima Willielmi Rokeby jur. Can. profess. ac etiam Episcopi Medensis, & denide Archiepisc, Dublin, capelle fundatoris istius. Qui obiit… Novembris an. Dom. mcccccxxi. What was performed at Sandall for the accomplishment of the other part of his Will, I know not. One Will. Rokeby LL. Bac. who was well beneficed in Yorkshire, succeeded Joh. Dakyn LL. D. in the Archdeaconry of the East-riding of the said County, in Dec. 1558. who dying in 1568. Martin Parkinson B. D. had that Dignity confer’d upon him in Dec. the same year, but before he had kept it an year, he gave way to fate: Whereupon the said Dignity was confer’d on John Mey D. D. who was setled therein in the beginning of Aug. 1569. and soon after became Bishop of Carlile. I find also one John Rokeby LL. D. to be Chanter, Canon resid. and Preb. of Duffeild, of, and in the Church of York, who died in the latter end of 1574. Which John with William before-mentioned were of the same Family with Will. Archb. of Dublin.