Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 30
John Roper
born in Berks. in the Dioc. of Sarum, was first a Semicommoner or Demy of Magd. Coll. and afterwards being M. of A. was admitted perpetual Fellow of that House, in 1483. When he was some Years standing in that degree, he was made Reader of Philosophy, and when Bach. of Divinity, Reader of the Sentences, or Divinity, in the said College. In 1502, he was confirmed Margaret Professor by the Found [•] ess of that Lecture, was afterwards Vicar of St. Maries Church in Oxon, Principal of Salesurry, and George Hall in that Parish, Doctor of Divinity, Canon of the Coll. founded by K. Hen. 8. (now Ch. Ch.) in Oxon, to which he was admitted 1532, and Rector of Witney Church in Oxfordshire. This Person who was esteemed one of the eminent Theologists of this University, was appointed by the King in 1521. to write,
Tract. contra Doctrinam Mart. Lutheri. Which, whether ever printed, I know not. He was a zealous Enemy against the Kings divorce from Queen Catherine, in the Year 1530, but did not dare to write openly, or publish any thing against it, tho Preach he did. This learned Person died in the Month of May, 1534 in Fifteen hundred thirty and four, and was, as I conceive, buried in Magd. Coll. Chappel.